One of the five typically classical gardens of Shanghai
ATTRACTIONS - Gardens and Parks
JIADING - Nanxiang
Lying next to the Nanxiang Ancient Town in Jiading district, Guyi Garden is a classical garden that well represents Nanxiang ancient town's rich culture by its classical elegance and beautiful landscape.
It is also one of the best five classical gardens of Shanghai that represent the great arts and techniques in garden design and construction.
The history of Guyi Garden can be dated back to an uncertified date within the Ming Dynasty (1573-1620) when its incarnation was a private garden of a local official. In the following centuries till 1860, it had undergone a series of hand changes and reconstructions that upgraded the parcel of land from a normal private garden to a public garden established with the graceful landscape.
Going through almost a century period which was filled with warfare and turmoil since 1860, the garden suffered several destructions on part of its landscape. Fortunately, a set of renovations and reconstructions spontaneously funded and launched by local patriots helped the garden survived into its modern age.
The distinctive aesthetic of architectural features of the Ming Dynasty is well presented by those exquisite pavilions, halls, and artificial hills in Guyi Garden, appreciation of what could dramatically bring in an interesting glimpse into the moment chilling at an ancient garden in an ancient time.
Time cost for a thorough tour: 2-3 hours
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Gu Yi Garden (Guyi Park)
No.218 Huyi Highway, by Guyiyuan Road
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