Yi Tao Chinese Restaurant

Michelin 1-star restaurant




DINING - Shanghainese (Chinese)


HUANGPU - The Bund


Yi Tao is a Chinese restaurant situated on the 2nd floor of a complex that is on the backside of the conspicuous Bund strip.

The restaurant is good at serving one of the four great renowned Chinese regional cuisines - the Huai Yang cuisine, which is frequently served at state banquets and considered the representation of Chinese foods along with the other significant one - the Cantonese cuisine.

The food menu covers the most classic Huai Yang dishes brought by traditional cooking methods and fresh ingredients, even simple-looking dishes could bring in extraordinary flavors. Noticeably, ingredient selection conducted at Yi Tao reaches a higher level than the traditional practice, which includes fancy goods like lobster and marbled beef, lending richer flavors to the delicacies and giving a bit more enjoyment to each bite.

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Venue Details
  • Yi Tao Chinese Restaurant

    2/F, No.88 Yuanmingyuan Road, by East Beijing Road


    31.24063 121.488383


    PriceCNY 500/person

    CardsAll cards

    HoursDaily 11am-10:30pm


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